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Chronicle 1 - Chronicle 2 - Chronicle 3 - Chronicle 4 -Chronicle 5


Internet Time Chronicles
from Earth


Chronicle III of the time about to stop.

Article 1

    The time about to stop. The time stop the first day of Springtime with music or not.We sign up to be against the current of the millenium predictions they see the worst disasters on 2000, even the end of the World. We shall stop the time not to speed up the cataclysm of the end of times but just to sit down at the edge of the path and to ask ourselves before getting further: - First, what we want our life to be tomorrow.
    - Next, above all, what is individually and collectively the leeway to act?

Article 2

    Of course, to know the time is about to stop always makes us shivering a bit-It's going to stop for 24 hours before resuming its course for
    eternity-especially when it's the first experience to be attempted.
    We think: "If we didn't manage to make it passing again after so playing sorcerer's appentices?" A bit like at evening when we're falling asleep and
    we're asking: "If I was to never wake up?" But at least, there are circumstances where we are obliged to do something, because to continue the same way is even worse. We have now to compute risks, to take the minimum of precautions with a view to this event. And we are going to do it here together.

Article 3

    "When the Lamb unlocked the sixth seal, a big earthquake occured. The sun turned into black like a hair sack, the whole moon became like blood, The
    stars in the sky fell down on earth like a fig-tree ejected its still green fruits when it's shaken by a strong wind." So Saint John, the Evangelist speaks, as he writes the Apocalypse in Patmos.

Article 4

    The predictions of doom are so numerous; if they unfortunately really happen, nobody will remain there to note they're were right. If fortunately
    they were wrong, everybo will stay there to forget they were wrong! In the sky there is also other things, in a hopefull way, than red moons and hair
    sacks. We live nowadays between Pisces and Aquarius. Era of Aquarius is the "New Age" (in English in the Fred's text), a new era that must lead us
    straight ahead, with our handy, to a higher level of consciousness and to a beneficial time of serenity.

Article 5

    We have not chosen by chance the first day of Springtime to stop the time.
    We must know that the sun is not always rising up at the same place in the sky at the time of Spring Equinox. Because of the encline of the axis of
    Earth and because of its slow oscillation, this axis is carrying out a complete cycle in 25,700 years. After 2,160 years, it's getting from one
    sign of zodiac to another. We had to take this chance.
    We can't afford the luxury of waiting for 2,160 next years.
    In such conditions that the merciless time of modernity urge us and squeeze
    us like lemons.

Article 6

    This 2000 gate crossing, we have anyway to manage to delay it. They do move in the boards of directors about the problem which computers give rise to
    with regards to the 2000 gate crossing. Some experts they have previously alerted the governments don't hesistate now to clame that anyway today it's
    too late to fix the bug of the century. It's only possible to try to call a halt before things get any worse. Computers are stupid and iron ruled; they
    just learned to manage 0 and 1. Do you figure out the mess in streets, accounts departments and lifts?...They expect, according to Nostradamus,
    that the stars are going to fall down on our heads and the toasters will set fire to the world, finally. If you want to know everything about
    solutions, experts' reports, government decisions, IBM's-Digital and tutti quanti-strategy, throw yourselves to and you'll
    know everything about the bug of the century! It's going to help us to stop the time in spite of us.
    A nice little earner for computer scientists. They are going to expensively fight forand they will never be numerous enough to fix the problem. And a
    hard work for lawyers!
    We propose a very simple, economical solution: just to skip 2000 on the calendar and, then, to commemorate... the time stopping ont the first day
    of Springtime!

Article 7

Do think to it!

Article 8

    Do you this common, often heard expression: to fight against time? I fight against time. That's a way to speak which do show our permanent attempt to try to dam the flood of thousands tasks they all along the day assail us, without any chance for us to ever to start again from scratch...

Article 9

    During the 20th et 21st of March, the two days of "suspended time", don't forget your passports and a pair of good shoes: Who ever knows?...

Article 10

Fugit irreparabile tempus, as Virgilo said. If we note that "the time is desperately passing", we shall be the improvised plumbers to temporarily
stop it. Do think to it!